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5 Tips To Engage Your Newsletter Subscribers

Updated: Jan 8, 2022

You are wondering how to write a newsletter or up your newsletter game. Well, I have just the thing to help you define, or refine, your approach to newsletter creation.

Newsletters help you connect with your audience on a deeper level.

What do they want to know? How can you strengthen your connection with them?

Most people that subscribe to a newsletter do so because you have already captivated them with your brand, service, or product, and they want a deeper connection with you.

A weekly, monthly, or quarterly newsletter makes your reader feel unique and special, so make the content of your newsletter personal to them

Captivating Headline

The headline of your newsletter captivates your audience and engages interest.

Include keywords you want to be known for, as newsletters can be a way to up your SEO game. Using keywords increases how well you rank in an online search. The more you use it associated with your brand and website, the more likely people will find you.

Use numbers in your headline. People are attracted to numbers because they stick out visually. Anecdotally, I think people like numbers for the boundary they give the mind. People love certainty, and numbers are a reminder of what to expect.

List benefits of opening your newsletter. "Want to become an expert in X? Read this! You can also show how to solve a problem. "Feel more confident doing X with these 3 easy steps."

Speak to the audience's pain points. You are in business to solve a problem your potential customer has. Couch their pain point in your headline to pique their interest.

Use powerful emotions. Whether we like it or not, we behave based on emotion. If you want your audience members to open your newsletter, engage them with powerful emotions such as fear, happiness, sadness, or anger.

Personalize your newsletter. Include your subscriber's name in the headline or right away in the subheading once the newsletter is open.

Short & Engaging Content

Know your goal. Try to choose one purpose of your newsletter and have that be the star content. Typical goals include:

  • drive sales

  • increase social media presence

  • download an e-book

  • drive traffic to a landing page

  • promote a new product or service

Reiterate the issue you are solving in the opening line. Be creative with your words here. You want to convey the same message in your heading but with more or alternate details.

Use a consistent tone. Keep your style consistent throughout your newsletter, and for all the newsletters you send out. Is the tone formal or informal? Funny or serious? Compassionate or snarky? Are you opinionated or open for interpretation?

Create consistent subheadlines and outlines. Choose how many parts your newsletter will have and keep inconsistent. People like certainty and user-friendly interfaces. Consistency also builds trust and recognition in your brand because your audience can establish expectations and predictability.

Vary your content. A little contradictory to the previous point. While you want to keep the flow consistent, make sure you bring variety to the content you write about so your readers stay engaged and anticipate your following juicy newsletter.

Balance Info with Promo

90/10 Rule. Balance the information and value you give your audience with promotion. Danavir Sarria, the creator of Copy Monk, states, "You want the majority of your emails to be 90% content and 10% promotional. You also want 90% of all the emails you send to follow this 90/10 rule, with the other 10% being purely promotional."

Go back to your goal. If you are feeling stuck on what to write? Revisit the purpose of your newsletter for inspiration and fresh ideas.

Pro Tip: Make an inspirational playlist on Spotify and listen to it whenever you get writer's block. It will help unwind the tension in your mind, allowing creative ideas to flow easily.

Make your newsletter (R.I.A.) - Relevant, Insightful, and Actionable. Speak to what your customers are going through right now, as well as how your service or product can help make a difference in their lives.

Please don't make it all about your offer. Include outside resources that you trust to supplement your newsletter. Cite any articles or books you reference in your newsletter.

Choose a Primary Call to Action

What do you want your reader to do? Always include a call-to-action (C.T.A.) to tell your reader what to do next. A CTA can be as simple as directing them to your website or social media. Alternatively, you might guide them to taking step one to register for your program or pre-order a product.

Add Your Flair

Adding flair is the fun part for me! Design your newsletter to reflect your brand's personality and unique flair. The appearance and flow of your newsletter are essential design components to keep your reader captivated. Use brand colors, fonts, graphics, and signature. There are several responsive design templates out there. Check your website platform for email campaigns that include newsletter templates, and add your flair to it!

There is nothing like a story to connect you with your readers. Be personal and vulnerable depending on your audience, brand, and service/product.

Is it still overwhelming? I get it! Let's talk about how we can work together to create the newsletter of your dreams!

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